Global Association of Martial Arts Organizations (GAMAO)
World Martial Arts Organization with legal registration, authentic history, and international recognition
Get recognized for your martial arts achievements Internationally
Within GAMAO it is possible to gain international recognition of the ranks, achievements, and talents. We provide international rank recognition and rank advancement certification issued by the legally registered authority and competent examination panel which was formed from top-level masters in their field.
Professional and legal certification
Verification, recognition, examination, rank advancement, and certification procedures based on the following principles: high standards of authenticity (we are categorically against any profanity), technical excellence, time in grade, personal achievements, public service, ethics, warrior spirit, and solid mentality.
We provide recognitions/certifications in those cases when we are competent to do that and when our members qualified for that.
All GAMAO standard certificates/diplomas/official letters have legal status, prestigious image, international acknowledgment, created by professional designers, printed on highest quality; include official seals, original signatures, and embossed stamp.
School certification (certificates for your students) customized by instructors’ needs are available by individual request. We can create special certification set for registered instructors with their own symbols, logos, names and etc. It is completely customized. Instructors also may order standard GAMAO certification sets or semi-customized sets which include symbols, logos, names of both instructors’ schools, and GAMAO itself.
All certification services at a professional level and for a reasonable price
The GAMAO is a legally verified, registered institution, and internationally recognized premier global association with official permission on an international function.
This service is not a certificate meal to feed the personal ego.
All ranks, titles, and awards must be deserved!
Our rank recognition and promotion guidelines as well as teaching doctrine are based on principles of high standards and priority of the quality over the quantity.
We do not do fast-track “black belts” and “masters” under the pressure of modern marketing.
The GAMAO is an officially registered international organization of martial arts, all membership and rank documents issued for approval of our Examination & Attestation Committee have international status and recognition from world martial arts communities.
The first step is a membership to the GAMAO, then our members can apply for the recognition of their current rank (Black Belt Level, Instructorship, Master, Grandmaster title and etc.).
We structured and organized special verification procedures with protocolling every stage of the rank examination.
For additional information, please, contact